In medical transcription expanding phrases will make you more money than just expanding words. Expanding words does help a great deal in your line production, but the ABAB and AAA expanding methods are for expanding phrases and this will make you much more productive.
ABAB method is for two word phrases. The "ABAB" is the first two letters of each word. For example:
adca = adhesive capsulitis
lesh = left shoulder
AAA method is for phrases that have more then two words in them. The "AAA" stands for the first letter in each word of the phrase. For example"
tpi = the patient is
t3m = Tylenol 325 mg
tpigtroapb = The patient is going to return on a p.r.n. basis.
$$10 characters expanded to 49$$
OK now here is the exciting part...... "pe" equals the following:
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: General: Well-developed, well-nourished female alert and oriented x 3, comes in in no apparent distress. Left hip wound inspected. Staples removed. The incision is clean, dry, and intact. There are no signs or symptoms of erythema or drainage. Calf is soft and nontender. She is neurovascularly intact. She has +2 DP and PT pulses.
$$$$WOW....Just two characters (pe) expanded out to 362 characters!!!! This is where the money really comes in. $$$$$
Do not forget about every day phrases because they are very commonly spoken in dictation. Phrases like:
hw = he was Hhbh = he had been having
These can really add up and make a huge difference in your line counts.
Focus on phrases as much as possible when typing and you will be very productive!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Free ABAB and AAA Phrase Expanding for Medical Transcription Productive Typing
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